Authenticate and validate the structure of components’ surface, Package and leads.
The Threats:
The Leads or BGA balls may be damaged as well, or being manipulated or replaced.
Overall, used components are not expected to function according to the original characteristics and failure statistics.
Parts will be considered suspected if:
1. Physical damage is found on at least unit from the tested lot.
2. Top surface, edges or Mold Cavities are topped or contain foreign materials.
3. Leads areabsence factory tooling marking, replaced or re-tinned.
4. Marking strings are inconsistence in the size, color, form, location or content.
Using a high magnification x100 Stereoscopic Microscope for thoroughly examine the package and leads.
Step 1:
Package: Top surface inspection includes surface cracks, scratches, and signs of remarking or resurfacing. Using high magnification of x100 Stereoscopic Microscope, the textures of the top, side and bottom are expected to be identical and uniform. The edges of the package are examined to find any residual materials or un-uniform texture. Cracks and scratches on the package may be caused due to improper handling and storing. Diversity and un-uniform texture, residual materials on top surface and edges – are warning signals of suspected refurbished or used components.
Step 2:
The components’ markings must be consistent in size, color, form and location among the tested lot. The manufacturer logo must be identical to the MFG brand, and consistent in form and location. Lot codes, Date codes, country of original – all must be consistent among the tested lot, and with accordance to the manufacturer datasheet. Scratches below the marking, inconsistency of markings’ location, form, size, or lot numbers – are warning signals of suspected refurbished components.
Step 3:
Leads, Pins, BGA balls. Components are examined for lead damage such as corrosion, oxidization or solder on pins, re-tinned or refurbished leads, dents, dissimilar, shine, color or texture. Scratches, tinning residual, un-uniform color, shining and texture, are warning signs of suspected refurbished or used components. Leads (SMT type) must include factory tooling marks and exposed copper base. Through-hole leads and pins must not have scratches or any evidence of prior insertion and use. BGA balls are closely inspected for complete sphere structure without scratches above or below the balls, and for unity color and form.
Step 4:
Mold Cavity. Mold cavities are present on most of the plastic IC’s. The Mold Cavity surface texture is expected to be clean from scratches, flat, and different from the coarse texture of top/bottom package surface. The edges of the Mold Cavity must be clean from any residual material or topping. The locations, size and texture of the Mold Cavities must be identical among the tested lot, and in accordance with the manufacturer datasheet.
Our Quality Inspection:
Compliance to Order and Datasheet